There are various procedures for evacuating less physically able people from large multi-story buildings. Please speak to our Safety Consultants about the best method for your situation.


What is an evacuation chair?

An Evacuation Chair is a chair designed to be used to transport individuals down the stairs during an evacuation. The track system glides down the stairs easily and smoothly to ensure no heavy lifting or manual handling is required.


Evacuation chairs also have four wheels for easy ground movement. The two wheels at the back of the chair are clipped back when using the track system to descend the stairs.


Why does your organisation need an Emergency Evacuation Chair?

In any emergency situation, there must be a safe and quick way to evacuate people who require assistance – they may be physically challenged or dealing with a temporary injury that makes evacuation under their own power impossible or unsafe.

The Fire and Emergency NZ Regulations 2018 require all fire evacuation schemes approved under these regulations, to have procedures in place to evacuate all occupants during a fire evacuation.

Training on the use of Emergency Evacuation Chairs

Experienced Safety First evacuation consultants can provide practical, step-by-step training on how to use the chair.


$475.00 + GST for three participants
$125.00 + GST per extra participant

  • Minimum of three participants and maximum of six participants per training session.

  • Duration of the training is approximately 1.5 hours for three participants.

  • Duration of the training for larger groups is dependent on the number of participants.

Requirements for participants to be trained:

  • Participants to be trained need to be available for the entire training session.

  • Participants need to be fit and healthy with no back and/or muscular problems (to be able to control the chair and assist the evacuee into and out of the chair).

  • Participants need to wear comfortable clothing and flat, sturdy footwear.

Following the initial training, we recommend that those who are trained continue to practise periodically.

PLEASE NOTE: Safety First is only able to provide training for EvacuLife and GLOBEX evacuation chairs.

Do you need to refresh your organisation’s Emergency Management Procedures or Fire Evacuation Plan?

Emergency evacuation planning needs to incorporate staff of all abilities. Talk to our Evacuation Planning team about your organisation now. We are experts in Fire and Emergency Evacuation Plans.